“For me prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and love, embracing both trial and joy.” St Therese of Lisieux, Manuscripts Autopbiographics
Our God is a God of relationship. Prayer nurtures our personal relationship with God and helps us to grow in greater communion with one another. At St Michael’s we encourage and foster each individual’s personal prayer practices.
At St Michael’s we pray together as a community in class and as a whole school community:
- at the start of each day
- before meals
- before meetings
- for special celebrations eg Saint’s Feast Days, NAIDOC Day…
We have a prayer focus in each room and a variety of prayer materials that are used throughout the year to reflect the student’s learning and the liturgical year. On the playground we have a prayer labyrinth and a number of spaces that can be used for prayer outdoors.
St Michael’s School Prayer
Lord, we pray today in this very special way and ask You to watch over and bless all those here at St Michael’s School. May we strive to ‘let our light shine’ on all those we meet and be loving, sharing and forgiving. Please guide us in becoming strong, courageous and trusting like St Michael the Archangel.May we grow each day, to be more like you as we journey through the school year, together. Mary Help of Christians, Pray For Us.St Michael, Pray For Us.St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Pray For UsAmen |