Catholic Identity
“My mission of being in the heart of people is not just a part of my life or a badge I can take off; it is not an “extra” or just another moment in life. Instead, it is something I cannot uproot from my being without destroying my very self. I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world. We have to regard ourselves as sealed, even branded, by this mission of bringing light, blessing, enlivening, raising up, healing and freeing.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 273
The Catholic understanding that we are called to Mission – called to be the Hands, the Feet, the Voice, the Body of Christ in the world today, is at the foundation of our Catholic Identity. Guiding every aspect of Faith, Wellbeing and Learning at St Michael’s, our Catholic Identity is at the heart of why we do what we do and how we do it.

At St Michael’s we:
- live out our school motto “Let Your Light Shine“, as we reflect the Light of Christ in the world today and follow Jesus’ example of how to Love God and to Love One Another.
- focus on Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, where our understanding that each person has an inherent human dignity, guides the development of respectful and supportive relationships between staff, students, parents and the wider community. We have a Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Committee who use a Multi-tiered System of Support to identify and nurture each individual student’s faith, wellbeing and learning needs. We use Restorative Practices as we guide students to act safely and respectfully and address challenging behaviours.
- provide a Safe and Supportive Environment where the Human Dignity of each person “Made in the image and likeness of God“ (Genesis) is Respected and Protected.
- have an Holistic and Inclusive approach to our teaching and learning, to ensure Equity and a High Quality Education for all.
- Learn about Our Faith and our Religious Education Lessons help our students to grow in their Knowledge and Understanding of God.

- Celebrate Our Faith through Prayer, Song, Liturgies, Sacramental Celebrations and other Faith Formation opportunities. Each year eligible students in Year 2 make their First Reconciliation and we celebrate First Eucharist and Confirmation biannually. Every odd year eg 2023, 2025… eligible students in Stage 2 make their First Eucharist and every even year eg 2024, 2026… eligible students in Stage 3 are Confirmed. Throughout the year there are Twilight Prayer opportunities for adults in our school and parish community to gather in prayer.
- are a part of St Michael’s Parish. Every second Friday we celebrate the Eucharist with our Parish and we encourage all in our school community to join in our Parish Celebrations, especially Sunday Eucharist. Students who have made their First Reconciliation continue to receive this sacrament regularly.
- Live our Faith as we empower one another and work together for Integral Justice (Social Justice and Ecological Justice) in our world. Our Mini Vinnies and Catholic Earthcare Committee provides a student voice, through student led good works, focusing on Charitable Works, Stewardship and Sustainability. Each year we support the work of Our Parish, Caritas Australia, Saint Vincent de Paull and Catholic Mission as well as engaging in other Charitable Works at both a local and a global level. We encourage our students to respond to Jesus’ call to Love and Serve Others by performing Acts of Service. Week 7 is our designated Acts of Service Week each term.

- are a Level 3 Accredited Catholic Earthcare School as we respond to Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’ to Care For the Earth Our Common Home as we Hear the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.